Apply for a grant

The Bishop Laney Foundation has always aimed to help individuals where it can, rather than any organisation. The foundation helps students and apprentices that reside in Ely or Soham, with funding towards their education or training equipment.


Students going to university can apply for a grant for the purchase of books or equipment. The trustees may consider grants for items other than books and equipment, but you would have to provide evidence for your need, along with additional supporting information the trustees may deem appropriate. Any other grants awarded by other charities or authorities will be taken into account.

Student applications for grants must satisfy the following criteria:

Must be under 25

The usual grant is £400 for the first year and then £400 for the second year which covers years 2 and 3.

Special cases may be considered for greater grants, but a means test may be applied.

Live in Ely and Soham area


Apprentices of all trades and vocations can apply for a grant. The trustees may consider short term apprenticeships too. Grants are paid in instalments at the beginning of your apprenticeship and at the end of each year, as long as the foundation receives a satisfactory report from your employer each October. In the case of longer-term apprenticeships, grants awarded to employers are paid in two equal instalments at the beginning and at the end of the apprenticeship.

Apprentice applications for grants must satisfy the following criteria:

Must be under 25 at the beginning of the apprenticeship

Apprentices would receive £1,000 for a three-year apprenticeship over the three years

The employer is entitled to £250 at the start of the apprenticeship and £250 at the end.

Live in Ely or Soham

All grant figures above are correct as at Dec 18 and subject to yearly review.

The Bishop Laney Foundation has given over


in grants to students over
the last 10 years


in grants to apprentices
in the last 10 years

We have given grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 for over 340 years.

About us

The Bishop Laney Foundation provides grants to help apprentices and students from Ely and Soham with their training and further education.

The foundation has given these grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 living in Ely or Soham, for over 340 years.

Meet our Trustees

The trust is managed by six trustees, three from Ely and three from Soham.

They meet six times a year to oversee the various aspects of the foundation and to preserve the legacy of Bishop Benjamin Laney.


Get in touch

The Secretary
The Beeches
79 Ely Road
Little Downham

01353 699043


© 2025 The Bishop Laney Foundation. Registered in England and Wales Charity No. 311306. Website by Studio Nova.